Online Acting Lessons

Pursue your passion for live performances on stage

Online Acting Lessons

Broadway’s Online Acting Lessons


From the heat of the spotlight to the roar of thunderous applause, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of a live performance. Can you hear the stage calling your name? Whether you dream of starring in theater productions, television, or cinema, Broadway Lessons can help you receive the instruction and experience you need to pursue your passions as an actor.

The Importance of Acting Lessons

Many of our students have diverse interests, levels of experience, and long-term goals. However, studying acting can be beneficial for all who participate, regardless of their future plans.


For Aspiring Stars

If you desire to make a career out of performing, proper training and a well-rounded resume are necessary. These preparations can help you impress at auditions and land the roles you’re longing for. Even those with exceptional natural abilities still need coaching to fine-tune their skills, understand the business, and blossom as actors. If you’re serious about making a living as a performer, acting lessons should be your first step.


For Everyone

You don’t have to dream of stealing the show to benefit from acting instruction. Practicing this performing art comes with a host of benefits for all who participate, including

  • Building confidence as a communicator
  • Practicing discipline and perseverance
  • Finding a creative outlet
  • Learning to better express yourself
  • Connecting with others who are passionate about the arts

Acting lessons are a wonderful way to grow as a performer and as a person.



Acting Techniques for Stage Performers

Many components can take a performance from average to extraordinary. When you study acting with Broadway Lessons, you’ll learn various techniques to help you become a true master of your craft.


Learning Stage Presence

True actors can do so much more than deliver some memorized words with good expression. Your instructor can help you develop a solid stage presence by creating characters that captivate from the moment they enter the stage. You’ll learn how even the smallest details and movements can make the biggest difference in your performance.

The Five W’s of Acting

To deliver an authentic performance, you’ll need to truly connect with your role by studying the five W’s:

  • Who is your character? What do they love and hate? What are their goals?
  • What is happening in this scene? What are your actions and words leading up to?
  • Where is this scene taking place, and how does that impact your character? Are they comfortable, frightened, or agitated by this environment?
  • When is the action taking place? What just happened before, and how will it impact your actions now?
  • Why is your character behaving the way they are? Why is this moment pivotal in the plot or character development?

Whether you’ve just been handed an excerpt for your audition or you’re presenting a piece you’ve been rehearsing for weeks, you should be able to answer these questions with confidence for every role you play.

Diction, Articulation, and Dialect

Your voice is unique and sets you apart from other actors. However, you must learn how to articulate your words so the audience can hear and understand, no matter what the personality or background of a particular role. Acting lessons can help you master language and the spoken word’s art, so your voice is clearly heard in every setting.

Resources for Actors

At Broadway Lessons, practicing acting methodology under the guidance of successful professionals is just the beginning. You’ll also benefit from valuable experiences to help you thrive as an actor.


 Learn the Ins and Outs of Stage Performance

When you take acting lessons, you can become well-versed in what’s happening behind the scenes. Discover important terminology, rehearsal and performance etiquette, and what to expect in various real-life performance venues.

Prep for More Successful Auditions

With your acting instructor in your corner, you can walk into future auditions with confidence. Learn how to select appropriate audition pieces, calm your nerves before your presentation, and carry yourself from start to finish, so you make a positive and lasting impression.


Concert Stage Lighting

 Make Connections for Your Future

Networking is an important part of locating new opportunities as a performer. By building relationships with professionals and other actors, you’ll discover even more chances to gain experience and meet your goals. You can also expand your horizons as you’re introduced to different genres and events that you may not have discovered on your own.

Build Your Experience and Repertoire

In some cases, you can’t secure an audition without a proper resume. Broadway acting lessons can help you get the experience you need to set yourself apart from the competition and build an impressive collection of meaningful roles.

Become a Standout Performer With Broadway Lessons

Learn all the tips and techniques you need to build your acting skills with Broadway Lessons. Our team of instructors can offer you the individualized direction you need to help you achieve your dreams with our online acting lessons. Contact us today to learn more about acting lessons and the other numerous classes we provide for aspiring performers.

Take Your First Steps Towards Broadway Today!

At Broadway Lessons, we’re committed to helping every student become the star they were meant to be. To learn more about our Broadway voice lessons and amazing instructors, contact us at (212) 464-7323. We’re here to answer your questions and prepare you for success on your journey. Register for lessons and take the first steps towards your music goals today.

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